kann man diese Webseite bitte mal updaten, hab gelesen die ist vom Jahr 2009 manche Wegpunkte findet mein Flieger nicht 737-800
sadDec 26, 2021 04:46 (#7238)
Doesnt work anymore RIP
GuyFromRussiaDec 24, 2021 10:35 (#7230)
Why Simferopol airport is Ukraine? It is Russian!
MPSDec 15, 2021 20:13 (#7209)
Hey now!
"Error: Couldn't find a routing between the 2 given fixes with these settings".
is now all over the place - which makes your planner totally non reliable!
Please fix!
Cheers, Morten
falcon2006Dec 15, 2021 09:39 (#7201)
Online Flight Planner , no running ?
AnubhavDec 12, 2021 03:47 (#7184)
add ZBAD airport plss
MPSDec 11, 2021 22:42 (#7181)
Subject: Porto LPPR
Hmmm.. turns out that it also involves errors regarding to routes TOWARDS LPPR - that is, if your calculation setup includes STAR. In other words, this also has to be implemented manually into the flightplan in the cockpit. So is that! - however I never really understood your explanation for this lack of support for LPPR SID/STAR which haven't been a problem before now!! So what the heck is going on all of a sudden?
FSXSimulationsDec 11, 2021 19:58 (#7179)
What is the runway selection based on? Real life active runways?
MPSDec 11, 2021 15:16 (#7178)
Subject: Porto LPPR
Okay, seems that the problem occurs when including SID's in your route calculation here.
When not included, the calculation works fine. So guess I just have to ad that later on when in the cockpit - actually more realistic, so what the heck :)
TomyxDec 10, 2021 08:42 (#7165)
The actual route planning is based on third party service which means I can't do anything to get it fixed. Thank you for your understanding!